This is the portion of the show where the author falls on her sword...
Stacy, I over-reacted and read some things into your response. Got defensive, I did. You have always been straight up with me ( it WAS rather 'its all in your head'..which is what I saw as a bit harsh)- and I should know by now to filter by what I know your intentions to be. Still, I was concerned that it seems like I'd given the idea that there was any materialistic bent to my comments... because I was sure you knew me better than that! :) And OF COURSE I know its about how I view things... you KNOW I know that. I just didn't want to in the moment.
Another friend made a comment about my hating Valentine's Day... so I guess I DID come off sounding kind of pissed off at the Hallmark Holiday and feeling sorry for myself. Sooo... I will take a moment here and clarify... I DO NOT HATE VALENTINE'S DAY. I went off on a rant because I was wallowing for a minute... that's all. Seriously folks, nothing to see here. :)
I wasn't bothered before nor during the day - it passed with no fanfare or trauma. I did have a couple of lovely surprises... friends Diana and Brian and their children dropped by Sunday night to visit and bring me flowers and home made Valentimes (they are on the fridge). And tonight I got TWO belated V-Day treats... a lovely card/gift from my daughter and another friend brought me low-fat ice cream sandwiches (YUM!).
On Saturday I went to a movie and early dinner with my soon-to-be-leaving-New-Jersey friend. We saw - drum roll please - Valentine's Day. An all-star cast... it was cute. Not astonishing, no great special effects, nothing learned...just a cute rom-com with lots and lots of eye-candy. Ashton Kutcher is pretty darn cute...McDreamy and McSteamy - can't go wrong there... and Bradley what's-his-face (Hollywood flavor of the month). All in all, very nice. And the women weren't bad either. LOL It had a little bit of everything... cheating, lying, healing, realizing you love your best friend, unexpected romance... all good.
And then we had an early dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Mmm- steak. Phyllis leaves at the end of the month to return to Boise... so I was happy to have some time with her.
And for the rest of the weekend... I read, read, read, read and read. Hehehe... finished up my REAL book and read TWO eBooks on the Nook. Not a bad weekend at all. :)
So here's the deal...
14 years ago
~( it WAS rather 'its all in your head'..which is what I saw as a bit harsh)~
Ok, so it would be unfair of me to not say this: It was more than "rather" 'its all in your head'. My WHOLE message was that it's all in your head. After reading your latest post last night, it got me to thinking. Everything we see, touch, hear, taste and smell... is in our heads. And, certainly (and perhaps more easily digested) everything we think about a given subject is in our heads.
Look at it this way. "The world" says VD is about romantic love. You have chosen to buy into that definition and make it your own. The fact that you DON'T buy into the materialistic view of "the world" strengthens my point. There are plenty of people who believe whole-heartedly that VD love should be shown with chocolates and diamonds, etc. Yet, you choose NOT to buy into that definition. Why is the "VD is about romantic love" definition any more valid than the "VD is about chocolates and diamonds" definition? They are both created by "the world", and both have a strong following.
And, as a sidebar here, it never even crossed my mind that you were of the "it's about diamonds" camp.
Back to the "it's all in your head" debate...
Even the "harshness" you tacked onto my position was in your own head. There was no harshness on my part. In fact, my intention was to empower you. This idea that everything we perceive is in our own heads can be the most freeing idea in existence, once you get it.
Which scenario gives you more power? A) The world thinks VD is about romantic love and therefore it is. Or.. B) I think VD is about romantic love, and therefore it is.
Only one of those scenarios gives you any power at all. With B, you get to make the choice (over and over again, if you like) based on how the thought feels. If it's all in your head, you have ALL of the power to change it or not.
Of course, it does place the responsibility for your happiness squarely on your own shoulders, and that can be intimidating at first. Heck, I've been doing this a while, and I still have trouble with that sometimes.
But I think it's definitely worth working on.
This conversation has inspired me to write a presentation on the subject. I'll send it to you when I'm done and you can critique it for me, if you're willing.
Btw, I'm glad you had such a nice weekend. We had a pretty good one too. A good deal of it was spent working on the folks' computers, but we also got to go to the festival where Mom's store is, and that was fun. Lots of walking and shopping. My kinda day. :)
I'm glad you had a good weekend! Did you work on their computers recently?
Am double-glad that you don't think I'm the Material Girl :) Whew.
Sure...I'll review your presentation. For your public speaking group?
Yeah, I've been over there twice this year to work on their computers and we're going again to setup their network again. Good thing I like doing it. ;)
And yes. The presentation I have in mind would be for a speech. I'm signed up for the middle of March for my second one, and our conversation really got my juices running on this subject. I think it could be good. Thanks for agreeing to help!
Don't know where else to post this....
Just had to say that I *LOVE* your left sidebar. Awesome stuff!!
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