That means that tomorrow is a new week... that's a good thing because this last one has been...well... crap. Partly because I have been sick and partly because I've had a crap attitude this week, caused by increased frustration over work stuff and the fuzziness of the future. Its been a long time since I've felt this discouraged... maybe my defenses were down because of the 'sick'. Oh wait...lets add PMS to that too. THAT explains it! lol
The sick... still tired, not much energy so I'm not much fun. Can't talk much without having coughing fits....the kind that give you headaches. Still not bad, all things considered.
We had a huge snow storm this week... at least 12 inches... it was a mess. While work was technically delayed until noon on Thursday, I was at my office by 9:30, which was pretty good given I had to dig out my truck. I was grateful that I only live 4 miles away from the office. By the time I got to work I was wet and frozen and tired... and still sick. This was what I woke up to that morning....
Work...well, since this is a public forum, lets just leave it at being frustated by some things we are doing that just seem to be pointless... vague enough? lol All of THAT wouldn't be nearly as hard to deal with if those these weren't keeping me from doing more important tasks.
Anyway, last night I was pondering why I was so freakin' crabby... even with PMS this was pretty bad for me. And I was determined to wake up in a better mood. Something weird even occurred to me, because I feel like I've been eating non-stop all week.
Emotional eating... I've always thought of it as eating when you're heartbroken, lonely, sad or some other sorrowful emotion... we're sad, so we eat to fill the void, try and pacify the emptiness...insert whatever description works. But I never thought of food as a punishment... but somehow, I think that's what I've been doing... weird, I know... but as soon as the thought hit my brain, it resonated with me. So I'm still trying to figure out what the heck I'd be punishing myself for, but it certainly describes my relationship with food... contentious. Well, that's dumb. So today when I went grocery shopping, I picked up some things I needed and a couple of things I just wanted. And I've been focusing on eating what I want rather than running the tape in my head of what I should and should not eat... and you probably wouldn't be surprised to learn that I still make the same choices, just with a better attitude. lol And I don't feel crabby.
I also go my hair cut today... I've been growing it out for over a year and half and it was pretty long, for me. But now the length is back up a few inches and it sure feels nice! What a good splurge today! And a nice pick-me-up after a long hard week. When the stylist asked me if I wanted a wash, I said yes, not because I needed the wash but because I needed the scalp MASSAGE! Nice!
So, the end of January is here and I'm glad to see it go. Its not been a BAD month, just long and tiring. I don't know that February will be any different, but at least its not January!
So here's the deal...
14 years ago